Arrival: from 15:00
Departure: until 12:00
Baby friendly services
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Pets: 20 EUR/pet/night
If you are travelling with several children or your children are a bit bigger now and you would like to be in a separate room but still have them close to you, we recommend that you book our connecting standard rooms.
Number of guests: 4 + 2 extra bed (for a fee) or crib on request (free of charge)
Room size: 26-28 m2 each
Bed: double or two singles in each room
Room features:
Extra room features:
Baby-friendly tips:
We offer free accommodation for children under the age of 6. We also provide a crib free of charge. However, guests may also bring their own crib.
Most of our standard rooms can also accommodate a crib in addition to an extra bed, which means that 2 adults, 1 child and 1 baby (child under the age of 6) can comfortably sleep in one room.
Our rooms are spacious and well-equipped, but to ensure your comfort, if you are travelling with two or more children, we recommend that you book two standard rooms or one family room.